The United States of America in peril.
Democracy is a principle: until the propaganda stops working.
Why is it as children we are bludgeoned endlessly with the fugacious ideals of American Democracy? It seems to me that in politics, as well in life, when a person or entity repeats something like it’s a mantra it usually requires blind faith on the part of the believer to keep that particular plate spinning. Yet, I am always shocked by the average persons’ level of cognitive dissonance on any given subject. The way people, when abused by a system, be it religious, governmental, or interpersonally, have a way of lying to themselves about what they are actually experiencing, as opposed to how they feel about said experiences. This gray area is where the propagandists like to play, as it makes people infinitely malleable, seemingly, because it’s in their intellectual blind spot. This intellectual blind spot has been and always will be used by sociopaths and psychopaths alike to manipulate a person or people in the direction the aggressor wishes them march.
“Today it is infinitely easier to kill a million people than to control a million people.”
-Zbigniew Brzezinski 2008
I honestly think what we have been experiencing over the last couple of decades is this: the culling of the weak and lame from the herd. From the Government sponsored opium deaths that they are trying to put squarely on Perdue Pharma, to the obvious conspiracy between certain American and Chinese oligarchs to engineer a virus that would not only accomplish population culling on a global scale, but also allow the implementation of Authoritarianism in Western Democracies. This plan has been floating in conspiracy circles for at least the last fifteen years, probably longer. Some of the more intelligent people that fall into this category actually predicted the way this could and now is being implemented. That being though the bio-security state. When you take the time to think about the ways that totalitarianism would most likely be implemented in western democracies, this bio-security state seemed to always come to the forefront of my mind in my assessments of grand chessboard politics and geopolitics. The rulers of societies, regardless of National origins, all have some important things in common: ever growing populations that require more and more resources to sustain. Moreover, with the creation of the internet free societies have had a difficult time controlling narratives with propaganda, this is especially true of the United States. Then if you compound that rise in awareness that our democracy is a breath away from death with the number of guns that are owned by Americans, the elites have quite the quandary indeed. Especially considering that the average soldier would have no truck with defiling the Constitution they took an oath to protect with their lives by actively fighting Americans over personal politics. These kinds of things are known as principles, not to be confused with propaganda, which can be hard to juxtapose in todays’ political climate of censorship and march into authoritarianism. Censorship narratives were once reserved for the dictators that don’t go along with Western imperialism, but now has found its home at the source of disinformation, the U.S. oligarch-controlled media.
Questions I have asked myself for the better part of two decades:
How far will people like Bill Gates and his likeminded brethren would go to maintain megalomaniacal control over the worlds’ resources and everyone in it? What is the minimum number of people it takes to keep their power structure intact, while at the same time regaining control over the hearts and minds of the remaining population? Why is all technology aimed at surveilling every human being on the planet? From tracking, contact tracing, facial recognition, social credit systems, forced mandatory vaccinations, and flat out disregarding the Nuremburg codes of ethical conduct. This arrogance is far more offensive than any tweet or video made by the most schizophrenic Alex Jones fans on earth.
The censorship wedge formerly known as Alex Jones:
I have never been a fan of Alex, not because he has gotten everything wrong, quite the contrary, but because of his obvious mental instability that raises more red flags than a NASCAR race filled with blind drivers. That aside, the freedom to inquire and talk openly about conspiracies has been squashed because of his (and anyone else the media arbitrarily connects him to) dangerously hyperbolic tone… at least that’s what we are supposed to think. One need not think too deeply about this before coming across glaring hypocrisies such as the infamous “Iraq has weapons of mass destruction” lies that caused a million deaths in that country alone. Yet all of the media pundits, journalists, and corporate news personalities went along with the grand lie that almost everyone knew at the time was totally false. PNAC helped lay the groundwork for everything we have witnessed or haven’t been allowed to see since 9/11. Without the PATRIOT ACT the precedent could not be set for the governments’ ability to harvest our data, not just terrorism suspects, but everyone as revealed by Edward Snowden and Glenn Greenwald. For future reference, any time a bill has over the top language like the PATRIOT Act or the CARES Act, just remember the lessons of Machiavelli. So, now that we know the job of the corporate media and social media is to maintain oligarch narratives, no matter how insane, contradictory, and brutal, a lot of us have been acting accordingly. (This loss of control terrifies the megalomaniacs of the world.) When the media and social media platforms conspired to toss Jones from the public square, it was an obvious shot across the bow to people that hold principles above any and all ideologies. We all warned the woke lefties that were happy about this: it was as if they have totally forgotten about history and what was done to the real left in the 60’s and 70’s. The generation z folks clearly didn’t even know about any of this or were too mired in fatuous culture wars to care about the big picture. This solipsism and myopia were and still are being exacerbated by the guiding hand of tech oligarchs and hand-in-glove organizations like The Atlantic Council being the disseminators of truth. A handful of individuals could see what was on the horizon, the rest couldn’t see the forest for the trees.
The totalitarian tune sung throughout the ages is so similar that they could be on a Nickelback album.
The global push toward Totalitarianism through the implementation of authoritarian covid19 policies has had my ears perked ever since the “flatten the curve” narrative was repeated ad nauseum by media, social influencers and useful idiots that are so easily spooked you’d think they were a zebra with bad knees nervously walking the Serengeti. While this was amusing to the right wingers that still believe in the two-party paradigm, any independent mind was screaming into deaf ears for over a year while the oligarchs were busy setting precedents and engaging in information warfare against the very people on which they rely to maintain their empires. All of which profited from lockdowns and upward transfers of wealth by the political class.
This is information warfare was predicted in Event 201. Not because they are clairvoyant, hardly. The covid19 narrative was so meticulously planned the arrogant Mike Pompeo referred to it as an “live exercise”. Kind of odd and perhaps unrelated, but on 9/11 there was also exercises being held: exercises of fake hijacked jets literally on the radar screens of the FAA flight coordinators at the same time the towers and Pentagon were being attacked. But I’m sure that is just another coincidence. It’s not like the people in power at the time of the emergence of covid19 were in positions of power and influence on both emergency situations. Trump drained the swamp, after all…
If you’re worried, don’t be. It’s not like the guy that wrote the core of the PATRIOT ACT in 1995 has power and is easily leveraged in our current emergency is the President of the United States or somethin’.
Oh wait… he is.
Sharp . Right on .