Technocracy: A government or social system controlled by technicians, especially scientists and technical experts.
government by technical specialists.
A system of governance where people who are skilled or proficient govern in their respective areas of expertise. A type of meritocracy based on people's ability and knowledge in a given area.
Meritocracy: A social system, society, or organization in which people get success or power because of their abilities, not because of their money or social position.
Democracy: the belief in freedom and equality between people, or a system of government based on this belief, in which power is either held by elected representatives or directly by the people themselves
Totalitarianism: a political system in which those in power have complete control and do not allow anyone to oppose them.
I will start this piece by asking a question of the reader: Which of these systems or amalgamations of these systems seem to reflect the reality of the country in which you live? Once you have answered that question, if you read the aforementioned definitions and just realized that you don’t live in a Democracy or Meritocracy: welcome to the party. We are the 99.9% that have policies foisted upon us as we have zero influence on the laws or mandates dictated to us by the corporate mouthpieces of oligarchy. As the Princeton study revealed in 2014 The United States functions as an oligarchy, not a Democracy or a Republic. This was filed under the “duh” category for anyone that has paid attention to the changes in the U.S. since September 11th, 2001. Follow the money has always been the first step in any investigation, with the exceptions of 9/11 and now the origin of the covid19 pandemic. These are the world changing events that have led us all straight into an age that can best be summed up as Technocratic Totalitarianism. This guided march of Western societies has been tossing aside all principles of Individualism and the Human Right of self-determination under the auspices of protectionism for at least two decades. This trick is indeed older than the idea of Democratic principles and has remained just as effective across the spectrum of various forms of government throughout the ages. Whether the claim is the protection of financial interests of the affluent, protection from terrorism, and now protection from an engineered virus, the result is always the same. The C.A.R.E.S. Act was an egregious upward transfer of wealth from the majority into the hands of an extreme minority that truly hold the reins of power. These are the people that impose sanctions and wars of aggression on the poorest people on earth without a moment of hesitation. The kind of people that play poker on their phone while voting to bomb the sovereign country, Syria. The type of people that not only allow pharmaceutical corporations to rake in billions of dollars killing Americans with opiates, but actively helped them to accomplish this by invading Afghanistan and taking control of the poppy fields in which over 90% of the worldwide production of opium originates. This was done under both the Republican and Democratic controlled Federal Government, respectively.
“It’s for your own good” as an argument against self-determination:
This is the mantra of abusers the world over. From the drunk father that beats his kids without remorse to the Presidents and despots that use and abuse their people, the desire is always the same: to stamp out undesired behaviors and to forever prevent any kind of revolt against their power. The point of this is to mentally fracture people in such a way that it becomes impossible to become an individual that breaks from the herd, thus preventing the emotional growth needed to become a freethinking adult with an understanding of personal autonomy. These are the same kind of people that hold up metaphorical mirrors to point out the flaws in others, intentionally or not, the desired result is the same, subservience of the individual to their perceived greater power. As with any house of cards, once looked at from a different perspective, the game becomes obvious to almost anyone. This is why all power structures rely on propaganda; because no matter how ridiculous the point is that they’re attempting to make in the face of contradictory evidence, they will pretend the evidence doesn’t exist. Debating the types of people that have drank the Kool-Aid is more akin to playing checkers with a pigeon. No matter how you win the game they will still strut around relentlessly shitting all over the board trying to obfuscate the obvious. If you’re drawing parallels to religious institutions right now, you’re on the right path as power seems to work the same across all systems and institutions.
Techno feudalism: “By 2030 You will own nothing and never be happier.” -World Economic Forum
This is one of the most obvious connections to covid19 insofar as this virus was the catalyst needed to implement radical change on a global scale. Similarly, the way 9/11 was used to spy on every American, tossing aside the Constitution and Bill of Rights under the guise of safety. Here we are again, and this situation is far more dire in consequence in regard to personal sovereignty and liberty. Corporations literally spy on all of us via smart devices and smartphones. We are told that it’s “just for advertising” which is absolutely insane on its face as we know, at least some of us know, how power operates and how these companies have made billions of dollars selling all of our data and personal lives as commodities. Commodities we didn’t even know existed until people like Edward Snowden told us the degree to which our government was aiding and abetting gross violations of Civil liberties in favor of corporations like Google, Apple, Facebook, Twitter and the military industrial complex. In fact, it’s even worse than that if you can believe it… Not only do these companies steal your personal data and profit, but they have been and are still actively engineering society through the creation of echo chambers. These echo chambers are like kindling of a fire; once society has reached a breaking point, or point of no return, we will have to make a new social contract and will be faced with a horrible choice: Chaos due to a system destroyed by the entities that have worked for decades to do that very thing, or capitulation into a new cultural and societal paradigm shift of the social contract. Contract authorship from which we are so far removed, that there will undoubtedly be large scale global sectarianism to a degree not seen since the Middle Ages. The same companies that have effectively become the public square, now, can censor anyone they choose at the behest of international entities, as well as our own governments. However, they know much like any builder of a house of cards that if a strong opposing wind in the right direction is sustained, it will all collapse. This is what unchecked power looks like in the 21st century. Algorithmic control of the hearts and mind of humanity was just the beginning of this headlong rush into Technocratic Totalitarianism; now they want total control over our bodily autonomy. Control of what goes into our bodies is the current step, then total control of our movements monitored by spying, contact tracing, facial recognition and social credit systems. These things will be the final nail in the coffin of personal liberties and autonomy. All of this will be done under the ruse of faux grass roots culture wars, as these are the only wars that cause a large enough emotional response from average people to bring about large-scale societal change.
This is a war of personal liberty vs. techno totalitarianism.
I have chosen my side… have you?
Excellent!!! Sadly, I must agree with you on every point. I'm so glad I clicked on your link in Gettr.